Sybase/isql/Transact-SQL – how to terminate sql on same line


I have a query that is generating further queries, things like this:

select 'exec uspd_thing "'||name||'"'
from sometable

Which produces this :

exec uspd_thing "name1"
exec uspd_thing "name2"

But isql requires a 'go' statement after each statement.

There is an option to change the command terminator (-c) but the new terminator still needs to appear on the same line.

Any suggestions/tips on how to do this kind of thing… I guess I could post-process the results to add the 'go' lines…


Best Answer

AFAIK ISQL doesn't always need a go (or a ";", which will equally serve as a terminator. T-SQL commands may be allocated on consecutive lines without separator, the parser will handle that.

R. Pods

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