Symantec Ghost And Corrupted Images


I am using Symantec Ghost Corporate Edition (centralised server et al) version 11 to ease deployment of new desktops, and I am having a couple of issues.

At the moment we have a very very basic use of Ghost in place – we use GhostConsole to deploy a client to a prepared computer, then to sysprep it and grab the image. We then use GhostConsole to deploy that image other (identical hardware) computers, and this in general works fine. Although we know Ghost can do much much more, we have yet to actually tap into this and have been using the above process for about a year.

Two questions:

  1. When we use GhostConsole to sysprep and grab the image, the source computer seems to be left in a state where you cannot reboot it back into its own image – it always reboots to the PCDOS Ghost environment and awaits the GhostCast server. Is there any way to get this computer back into a usable state after taking the image, without redeploying the image?

  2. This is related to my first question – I have just taken an image of a desktop that took a while to setup. The image grabbing went fine and without issue, but the image cannot be redeployed as it is corrupted and every attempt to ghost a system using that image fails. Is there any way to save this image? As question 1 indicates, the source computer is now useless to me so I cannot retake the image, and I don't want to break the bad news to the support staff that their time was wasted!


Best Answer


I've had the problem from 1 happen while deploying images before. Ghost creates a partition for its use and then doesn't delete it. I've been able to create a boot disk and put like fdisk or something similar on there. I've then deleted the ghost partition and marked the Windows partition as the active partition.

For 2, as far as I know, once an image is taken, that's it for that image. However, if my first answer fixes 1, then you can just retake your image. Also, what type of PC's are you ghosting? I've had trouble in the past w/ IBMs and Ghost (something about the IBM software, if we wanted to image an IBM, we had to just reformat the things and start over from scratch).

Good luck!