Sync Active Directory Users in FreeNAS


This is for FreeNas-9.1.1, I am using active directory which appears to be connecting ok, since the following list users/groups from that server with no problems

wbinfo -u
wbinfo -g

I can also join to ads with an authorized user

net ads join -U myusername

I can also connect to a server when that user is set as the owner of the share. However when i look at users under Account -> User -> View Users none are listed. More problematically, when I try to add members to a group, only the local users are shown. I am thinking there may be a problem with the AD list being saved to the internal FreeNAS directory, but I am not sure how to troubleshoot this. I need group level permissions because the way it is configured now, only the owner has permission to read/write any shared files. Any advice would be much appreciated.

Best Answer

please be aware that local groups and Active directory groups are different.
Local groups/users only make sense if you don't have a directory in your organization.

In my scenarios, I manage ALL the groups in Active Directory, that is, user creation, group creation and group membership (who is a member), as the organization users exist in there.

To setup/modify permission for the volume on FreeNas, go to Volumes -> /mnt/desiredvolume -> Change Permissions.

You will have to select the owner and the group as usual, just make sure they are your active directory user and group and grant the read/write permissions for both of them.

Also make sure you are providing permissions type="Windows" instead of Unix ones. if you are to update existing permissions, also tick the "set permissions recursively"

Hope it helps.