Sync local folder with WebDAV


I have a local folder on my Mac that I want to sync with a WebDAV server.

There are a lot of files in my folder. After I edit some files or add/remove folders, I want to be able to sync the changes to the WebDAV server, ignoring what it is on the server and always using my files.

Is there any script or tool that I can use from command line to do that?

And mounting the resource is not a solution.

Best Answer

You appear to be massively over-thinking this and by doing so are overlooking some really obvious solutions.

You say mounting is not a solution and then proceed to explain that this is because you think that by mounting the webdav folder you will be working with the remote documents directly. Have you considered mounting the remote folder AND having a local folder? Then you simply do your editing locally and when ready merely copy the contents to the webdav folder.