Syncing one Outlook Express account on multiple computers


We're using Outlook Express on different computers to connect to the same pop account provided by our hosting company. This makes it very difficult to co-ordinate work and we end up replying to the same emails because there is no way to track states and actions.

Is it possible to sync Outlook Express using the same pop account on different computers? Ideally, when one of us replies or manages an email, the action is replicated to the other computers running Outlook Express and having the same account.

If not possible, what a light-weight (and perferably free) solution to achieve this? I.e. getting mail from the hosting thru POP and being able to track actions and states.

Best Answer

IMAP, POP is not the protocol of choice for your use case. You definitely want an IMAP account on the server if you need to stay with Outlook Express (which is horrible - OX is by far the worst mail client out in the wilds).

As Chopper3 suggested, you are probably better of with some webmail client or even better yet use RequestTracker or Roundup on one of your local server and configur it to pull automatically every couple of minutes from there on you just need to define how your workflow goes to adapt the issue system to your needs.

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