Sysprep’d Server 2008 R2 VMware autocheck BSODs


I'm trying to set up a template Server 2k8 R2 (Standard) VM in our VMware ESXi environment, we'll need to deploy a whole lot of them and I want to (a) streamline and (b) standardise the server build process.

Originally I built a sysprep answer file using WAIK and the Windows System Image Manager – once I'd run sysprep using this, restarting the machine resulted in a "autochk.exe not found – skipping autocheck" message, followed almost immediately by a BSOD. Rebooting just resulted in the same thing.

I first assumed it was my answer file, but have now checked this on a physical machine and it works fine.

I've reinstalled the OS on the machine (and NOTHING else), and run sysprep.exe (ticking Generalize) – this produces exactly the same result.

I've also attempted to use the Customisation Wizard built in to VMware – again, the same autocheck message and BSOD is the result.

Any ideas? Let me know any further information I need to provide…

Best Answer

No idea at all about the cause, but creating a completely new VM from scratch (not just a reinstallation of the OS) has allowed sysprep to work.

Must have been something oddly/badly configured in the original VM, but I don't know what. Stupidly, I've deleted it so can't compare.

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