System Center Configuration Manager 2007 – Debugging Client Installs


Having an issue installing the CCMsetup client on desktops. The CCMSetup makes it to the PC, files are there, it gets added to the services for automatic start, it starts, but quits almost instantly.

Logs on the desktop show a entry like this.

<![LOG[Failed to successfully complete HTTP request. (StatusCode at WinHttpQueryHeaders: 404)]LOG]!><time="14:28:51.183+240" date="06-11-2009" component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3" thread="2388" file="ccmsetup.cpp:5808">

What am I missing?

EDIT: Firewall is off on both client and server.

Best Answer

What command line are you using to start the install? Try specifying a source directory with something like

ccmsetup.exe /source:\\server\SMSclient\i386 SMSSITECODE=AUTO


ccmsetup.exe /mp:server SMSSITECODE=AUTO

Note: these assume you have the site code setup in an AD GPO.

Are these Internet clients and a Native Mode site? If so, HTTPS needs to be setup, even though the log says HTTP.