System Center Configuration Manager: Endpoint Protection client install error


EP is installed, version is higher than expected installer version 4.1.522.0

Has anyone see that in the EndpointProtectionAgent.log on a system they have been trying to push the SCCM client to before? We have a number of servers that haven't reported back to SCCM that their Endpoint Protection is being managed. Looking at the log noted above has that error.

A snipped from the log:

 <![LOG[Service startup notification received]LOG]!><time="16:43:43.819+240" date="06-26-2013" component="EndpointProtectionAgent" context="" type="1" thread="3924" file="fepsettingendpoint.cpp:291">
<![LOG[Endpoint is triggered by CCMTask Execute.]LOG]!><time="16:43:43.819+240" date="06-26-2013" component="EndpointProtectionAgent" context="" type="1" thread="2804" file="fepsettingendpoint.cpp:265">
<![LOG[Deployment WMI is NOT ready.]LOG]!><time="16:43:43.835+240" date="06-26-2013" component="EndpointProtectionAgent" context="" type="1" thread="2804" file="epagentimpl.cpp:725">
<![LOG[Endpoint is triggered by WMI notification.]LOG]!><time="16:43:59.482+240" date="06-26-2013" component="EndpointProtectionAgent" context="" type="1" thread="3556" file="fepsettingendpoint.cpp:154">
<![LOG[Failed to get EP event code under registry key SOFTWARE\Microsoft\CCM\EPAgent]LOG]!><time="16:43:59.498+240" date="06-26-2013" component="EndpointProtectionAgent" context="" type="2" thread="3556" file="epagentimpl.cpp:1334">
<![LOG[Failed to get EP event message under registry key SOFTWARE\Microsoft\CCM\EPAgent]LOG]!><time="16:43:59.498+240" date="06-26-2013" component="EndpointProtectionAgent" context="" type="2" thread="3556" file="epagentimpl.cpp:1339">
<![LOG[EP State and Error Code didn't get changed, skip resend state message.]LOG]!><time="16:43:59.498+240" date="06-26-2013" component="EndpointProtectionAgent" context="" type="1" thread="3556" file="epagentimpl.cpp:153">
<![LOG[Failed to get EP event code under registry key SOFTWARE\Microsoft\CCM\EPAgent]LOG]!><time="16:43:59.498+240" date="06-26-2013" component="EndpointProtectionAgent" context="" type="2" thread="3556" file="epagentimpl.cpp:1334">
<![LOG[Failed to get EP event message under registry key SOFTWARE\Microsoft\CCM\EPAgent]LOG]!><time="16:43:59.498+240" date="06-26-2013" component="EndpointProtectionAgent" context="" type="2" thread="3556" file="epagentimpl.cpp:1339">
<![LOG[State 1, error code 0 and detail message are not changed, skip updating registry value]LOG]!><time="16:43:59.498+240" date="06-26-2013" component="EndpointProtectionAgent" context="" type="1" thread="3556" file="epagentimpl.cpp:205">
<![LOG[File C:\Windows\ccmsetup\SCEPInstall.exe version is 4.1.522.0.]LOG]!><time="16:43:59.498+240" date="06-26-2013" component="EndpointProtectionAgent" context="" type="1" thread="3556" file="epagentutil.cpp:519">
<![LOG[EP version is already installed.]LOG]!><time="16:43:59.498+240" date="06-26-2013" component="EndpointProtectionAgent" context="" type="1" thread="3556" file="epagentutil.cpp:232">
<![LOG[EP is installed, version is higher than expected installer version 4.1.522.0.]LOG]!><time="16:43:59.498+240" date="06-26-2013" component="EndpointProtectionAgent" context="" type="1" thread="3556" file="epagentutil.cpp:265">

A few of these systems were previously manged under a dev SCCM 2012 SP1 install, and some under FEP 2010. Now we are deploying from a new SCCM site that we have setup to these servers. Does this indicate that we need to update the EP install that we are pushing out?

Best Answer

Buggy acting client settings. Pulling back the client settings and redeploying them seemed to fix it. We also deployed directly to a sub collection, vs just to a base, and it worked.