System error 58 while accessing shares on Windows 7 from Windows XP

windows 7windows-xp

I am getting a weird one. I am getting error following error message while accessing Windows 7 shares from Windows XP.

System error 58 has occurred. the
specified server cannot perform the
requested operation

Both machines are in same domain. Windows XP machines can view and access all other shares except for the ones that are on Windows 7. Both machines do not have a software firewall.

Best Answer

ok guys here is the answer.

the problem was NTML response was not setup on both sides. I had to setup following on both xp and wind7 and a restart did the trick.

  1. GPedit.msc
  2. Windows Settings. Expand “Local Policies” and select “Security Options”
  3. Alternate : Type secpol.msc to get editor up then
  4. Locate “Network Security: LAN Manager Authentication Level” in the list and double-click it.
  5. Change the setting from “Send NTMLv2 response only” to “Send LM & NTLM – use NTLMv2 session if negotiated”