System time on Windows Server 2008 server increasing continuously


The system time of my Windows Server 2008 server is increasing continuously. In order to adjust the time, I have to shutdown and reset the time.

I have tried changing the CMOS battery, but the problem is still persisting. Since we cannot access the internet on this system, it is not possible to synchronize with an internet time source.

What can I do to fix this, without having to reinstall Windows?

Best Answer

You clearly need a more accurate time source for this server.

Since you can't use the internet on this system, your only real option is to install a (or use an existing) time source on the local network. You can set your server to sync from another server on your LAN, which either keeps good time itself, or is synced up to a good time source.

For Server 2008, the instructions on how to configure your NTP settings are here, at KB 816042. Specifically how depends on what type of time source you're using, so I'll leave that up to you to decide, but that link shows you how to do it, and even offers the automatic "fix it" options (though, I personally wouldn't use those on a production server).