Systemd’s journalctl: how to filter by message


journalctl looks like a great tool for looking through logs, but I'm stuck on what feels like a simple ask: I want to see all cron messages that contain the phrase update-ipsets.

Of course I can do this

journalctl -u cron.service | grep update-ipsets

but then you lose all the other benefits of journalctl's output (colour coding, auto paging, live view etc.)

I've tried:

journalctl -u cron.service MESSAGE=update-ipsets
journalctl -u cron.service "MESSAGE=*update-ipsets*"
journalctl -u cron.service "MESSAGE=.*update-ipsets.*"
journalctl -u cron.service "MESSAGE=/.*update-ipsets.*/"

And you don't want to experiment by hitting tab after MESSAGE= – hangs the (zsh/Debian Jessie) shell and Ctrl-C didn't help either!

I sort of can't believe that it doesn't have this basic functionality built in, so I'm sure I must have missed something?


Best Answer

Currently, journalctl does not support patterns or wildcards in field matches. grep is your best option.

I had the same problem, and I think that journalctl only searches for an exact match for VALUE when NAME=VALUE is passed as arguments.

My investigations:

  1. man page

    From journalctl(1)

    The pattern is not mentioned in the description of the matches:

     [...] A match is in the format "FIELD=VALUE", e.g.
     "_SYSTEMD_UNIT=httpd.service", referring to the components
     of a structured journal entry. [...]

    The man page refers to a pattern when describing -u option only.

       -u, --unit=UNIT|PATTERN
           Show messages for the specified systemd unit UNIT 
           (such as a service unit), or for any of the units
           matched by PATTERN. 
  2. Source code

    The function fnmatch in src/journal is used when searching for units only.

  3. debug journalctl

    Enabling debug output you can see that the pattern is expanded only when using -u.

    $ SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL=debug journalctl -n1 -u gdm*
    Matched gdm.service with pattern _SYSTEMD_UNIT=gdm*
    Matched gdm.service with pattern UNIT=gdm*
    Journal filter: ((OBJECT_SYSTEMD_UNIT=gdm.service AND _UID=0) OR (UNIT=gdm.service AND _PID=1) OR (COREDUMP_UNIT=gdm.service AND _UID=0 AND MESSAGE_ID=fc2e22bc6ee647b6b90729ab34a250b1) OR _SYSTEMD_UNIT=gdm.service)

    All the matches are treated as exact, including UNIT:

    $ SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL=debug journalctl -n1 UNIT=gdm.*
    Journal filter: UNIT=gdm*