Tar: How to create a tar file with arbitrary leading directories w/o ‘cd’ing to parent dir


Say I have a directory of files at


and I want to create a tar with only "dir1" as the leading directory:


I know I can first cd to the directory

cd /home/user1/
tar czvf dir1.tar.gz dir1

But when writing scripts, jumping from directory to directory isn't always favorable. I am wondering is there a way to do it with absolute paths without changing current directories?

I know I can always create a tar file with absolute paths INSIDE and use


when extracting but sometimes extra path names are extra private information that you don't want to distribute with your tar files.


Best Answer

tar -C changes directory

tar -C /home/user1/ -cvzf dir1.tar.gz dir1

btw, handy one for keeping track of changing directories... use pushd and popd.

pushd .
cd /home/user1
tar cvfz dir1.tar.gz