Task Scheduler not responding when attempting to create a new trigger on all Windows 2008 R2 servers


Issue: Task Scheduler not responding when attempting to create a new trigger or edit a trigger in Windows 2008 R2

The issue happens on ALL our Windows 2008 R2 servers. The issue happens regardless of which user account I log on with.

I also notice that once Task Scheduler freezes and I close it, I can re-open task scheduler and sometimes I am able to edit a trigger or create a new trigger.

Here is the full error message from event viewer regarding the Task Scheduler:
screen capture of Task Scheduler error

Best Answer

I know this may seem like a dumb question, but have you tried just waiting for the process to complete? Don't terminate the frozen window or anything. That has actually been my problem. I ended the task before it could complete every time, so the problem "persisted" until one day I just waited and after a couple minutes, it reverted to normal.