Tcp port 554 open


I was running a routine security check of the machines I manage today and found in my nmap scans that TCP/554 is open, although when I run 'netstat -an' on the machine itself it doesn't show up, same result if I nmap the host locally.

I then tried connecting to on tcp/554 and it is open and it seems all hosts 'have the port open'.

Obviously my ISP is doing something here but then I tried the same on my iphone via a 3G connection and it returns the same results. My ISP is a satellite ISP and my phone/3G connection is with a totally separate provider. Any ideas ?

Best Answer

I had a similar issue. For me, it turned out Apple Time Capsule was making it appear that ports 21, 554, and 7070 were open (it would proxy requests and not check if connections were accepted until later in the exchange.) So, if you're using an Apple networking device, I'd check there.