Teaming 2 – 1GB NICs – Only seeing 50% throughput


Two Dell server each running Windows 2008 R2 both using the Broadcom onboard NICs. Both servers were setup using the Broadcom wizard to Team the NICs with LACP protocol. The switch is a Dell 5548, both sets of NICs are in their own LAG on the switch, with the LACP protocol on for the Lag.

Summary, when transferring Data between the two servers, I see 100-110 MB/s per second, and when looking at the Network Utilization under Task Manager, I see the 2 Gbps network link at 47-49% utilization.

Do I have something configured wrong? Should I be seeing 80-90% Network Utilization and 175-200 MB/s transfer speed, or am I misunderstanding the concept of Teaming?

Best Answer

I think that an individual TCP connection will only use one of the NICs, which will be selected by doing a hash on either the MAC addresses, IP addresses, port numbers, or some combination of those (there will hopefully be settings on the servers or the switch to let you configure this).

I would try copying data onto one of the servers from 3 or 4 different servers simultaneously and see what the overall network utilisation looks like during that test.