Techniques for keeping logins and password synchronised between two dataservers in Sybase ASE


Sybase ASE 12.5.4

As per the title, I'l looking for a way where creating a login or changing it's password on dataserver A also happens on dataserver B, and vice-versa.

Would it be possible to replace master..syslogins on B with a proxy_table pointing to A? I've tried it but could not drop local syslogins (would probably cause havoc anyway).

Any other suggestions?

Best Answer

One way to keep syslogins syncronised is just to bcp it between dataservers, but you'd have to do that every time a password is changed. Running it regularly from cron may be sufficient.

If you configure authentication via an LDAP server then this would keep passwords in sync, but I haven't used this feature so I'm not sure exactly how password changes are handled.