Telnet to smtp server port 25 –> Connect failed


I want to send an email via telnet. When I typed to the command prompt

telnet 'smtp_servername' 25 the following message appears
Could not open connection to the host, on port 25: Connect failed

Server name and listening port are correct. I have configured an account with these credentials with Mozilla Thunderbird (Secure Authentication: yes and Connection Security: None) and is working fine.

If I do the same test with the pop server is working fine.

telnet 'pop_servername' 110
+OK The Microsoft Exchange POP3 service is ready.

Any ideas why the smtp server is not answering my telnet connection?

Thanks in advance,


Best Answer

Do you have a firewall that may block telnet.exe ? When using security, the tcp port often change from 25 to something else. Can you check that thunderbird didn't automatically changed the port number ?

When you do a telnet on a port, the other can't know it's telnet, until you type something at least (or timeout if you don't type fast enough)