Temporary failure in Name Resolution to internal host


I have recently installed 2 virtual machines using Ubuntu 18.04, both appear to be configured the same, but one will not resolve addresses.

Both servers have a minimal install.

Server 1 runs nginx proxy server.
Server 2 runs bind for external DNS

Both servers point to and in their netplan config for DNS.

Both servers have no firewall enabled locally.

Both servers can ping the internal DNS servers.

Server 2:

root@uksvl-ops01:/etc/netplan# ping uksvl-web01-rs
PING uksvl-web01-rs ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from uksvl-web01-rs ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.19 ms

Server 1:

root@uksvl-web01-ki:/etc/nginx/conf.d# ping uksvl-web01-rs
ping: uksvl-web01-rs: Temporary failure in name resolution

I have seen references to disabling systemd-resolve, this has no impact.

There is no DHCP involved here, everything is static.

Best Answer

You probably have a problem connecting to the DNS server.

  • try using dig to resolve the host with your internal DNS: dig @your-internal-dns uksvl-web01-rs
  • check if the DNS-port is open for your virtual host: telnet your-internal-dns 53
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