Terminal Services & rdp-tcp Session


I've been introducing myself to Terminal Services and I had a question regarding a session, specifically the rdp-tcp session that's established by default …

C:\Documents and Settings\BMC>query session
 SESSIONNAME       USERNAME                 ID  STATE   TYPE        DEVICE
 console           Administrator             0  Active  wdcon
 rdp-tcp                                 65538  Listen  rdpwd
>rdp-tcp#12        BMC                       1  Active  rdpwd

I'm assuming this session relates to the RDP protocol in some fashion, (obvious by the session's name and state). Could anyone ellaborate on this, or point me to some related reading material?

Additionally, if I choose to reset session the rdp-tcp session, all sessions (with the exception of console) will be logged off and the rdp-tcp session will be re-established under a new ID. This seems like a quick and dirty way to logoff all sessions … yet it just doesn't seem right. Is there any side-effects, quirks, etc. that can occur when resetting this session?

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Understanding the Remote Desktop Protocol

Best Answer

The RDP-TCP Listener "listens" for inbound RDP requests, then assigns them appropriate other port numbers. So someone would connect on port 3389 and then the client and server would negotiate another port to continue the conversation.

The reason it exists at all is that it lets you set properties that affect all users that connect through that listener. Keep in mind that you can also have multiple listeners if you had different NIC's with different needs (though I can't think of a scenario now).