Testing htaccess for 500 server error without actual error


After reading some tutorials, I have created an error file, that should be displayed instead of 500 server error. I have added it to domain's root and added the following line to the bottom of .htaccess:

ErrorDocument 500 /error.html

Now the question is, how can I test it on a live site and make sure that the error page appears, when site really crashes?

Any suggestions are much appreciated.

Best Answer

I created a folder called http500 in the www root

I put a .htaccess file into that folder with the following:

Redirect 500 /http500

I then opened it http://example.com/http500

You can try out different error pages

Redirect 501 /http500


Redirect 502 /http500


Redirect 503 /http500

It did not require any server restart, the change applied immediately.
