The acpiphp and pci_hotplug kernel modules for KVM hotplug in CentOS/RHEL


On the this how-to I read the following:

I loaded the following modules to get pci hotplug working:

  • acpiphp
  • pci_hotplug

You can either add these to your distro's module list to load on boot,
or run a command like this.

for m in acpiphp pci_hotplug; do sudo modprobe ${m}; done

However, on CentOS 6.3 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.3 this modules does not exist, on Ubuntu Server and Debian 6 it does.

Why? Any workaround?

Best Answer

Probably, it's already built into your kernel (rather than a module). Have you actually tried hotplugging devices?

I don't have access to a CentOS/RHEL machine now, but on Fedora, I see the kernel configuration contains this:


While on Ubuntu 12.04, I see this: