The Active Directory integrated DNS zone _msdcs.COMPANY.LOCAL was not found


Recently we renamed our domain from single domain name COMPANY to COMPANY.LOCAL due to multiple problems. However now I get this information from BPA.

Issue: The Active Directory integrated
DNS zone _msdcs.COMPANY.LOCAL was not

Impact: DNS queries for the Active
Directory integrated zone
_msdcs.COMPANY.LOCAL might fail.

Resolution: Restore the Active
Directory integrated DNS zone

Clearly there is no _msdcs.COMPANY.LOCAL as there is only old one _msdcs.COMPANY however when i check under COMPANY there is no _msdsc, but there is one when i check inside COMPANY.LOCAL. So it seems to me that _msdcs.COMPANY.LOCAL should use the one that is inside COMPANY.LOCAL? Should it not? Should I try to recreate it by hand (since it wasn't created on domain rename).

Best Answer

Creating new forward lookup zone with correct name _msdcs.forestname.local and restarting the netlogon service helped me out ;-) Zone was populated with right entries.

Quick and easy solution. Hope it helps someone out!

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