The backup destination specified by the remote shared folder does not exist


I have a webdav share which I mount to my windows 2008 r2 server via webdav (desktop experience feature).

Is it possible to backup to this? I get the error:

Windows server backu is unable to access the remote shared folder.

The backup destination specified by the remote shared folder does not exist.

I can't assign permissions to the share as it's a webdav folder.


Best Answer

I can't assign permissions to the share as it's a webdav folder.

Actually, you should be able to assign permissions the server side, at least a login. There may even be some default privileges being used. You need to provide more information about the server you're trying to connect to? Is this a service you have access to. Is it configured to use LDAP? Is it a password-less setup? Can you access the url from the browser?

You should be able to map the webdav location as a network drive in explorer:

net use z: https://servername/webdav /PERSISTENT:YES /USER:user password

Then, use robocopy to transfer the source to the destination:

This will help the transfer complete successfully over network connections.

Keeping a webdav folder mapped as a drive also has it's limitations. You need to tweak the webclient parameters to handle large file transfers. Here are a few important notes I've accumulated over time for trouble shooting webdav connections on Windows Server 2008:

System error 1397 has occurred. Mutual Authentication failed. The server's password is out of date at the domain controller.

You need to apply this patch:

Failed to copy, (The file size exceeds the limit allowed and cannot be saved)

FileSizeLimitInBytes is set to 5000000 which limits your download so just set it to maximum! (this is client side btw on windows 7)


  • Right click on the FileSizeLimitInBytes and click Modify
  • Click on Decimal
  • In the Value data box, type 4294967295, and then click OK. Note this sets the maximum you can download from the Webdav to 4 gig at one time, I haven?t figured out how to make it unlimited so if you want to download more you need to split it up.
  • Open ControlPanel->Administrative Toools->Services and restart the 'WebClient' service

Error 0x80070079: The semaphore timeout period has expired

This is apparently a common issue for many ppl with windows 7 when working with webdav/sharepoint over https/ssl:

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