The best way to copy large files from the workstation to a Windows Server based EC2 instance

amazon ec2amazon s3file-transferwindows-server-2008

I would like to know if there is a better way to transfer data from my workstation to my Windows based EC2 instance. Currently I am using remote desktop copy/paste, but that is a drag as I always forget that I have the "data" on my clipboard and that a copy action will hose my transfer. I really do not want to install any software on the host machine or open a a port. Is there anyway for me to upload to S3 and then have the server mount the S3 volume? I really like to be able to do something native to Windows & EC2.

Thanks for your help.

Best Answer

If you don't care about security you could simply setup FTP. If you wanted to be more secure you could use sFTP (secure FTP) or SCP (Secure Copy).

Not a perfect answer; neither of those options are as simple as you might prefer as they require a bit of setup time.

update: To copy files through RDP you'll need to setup your RDP clinet so you can see your local resources. It's in the Options>Local Resource Tab>Local Devices/Drives area.

You won't be able to naviate to them via command line; you can use xcopy the command line. e.g. xcopy \tsclient\C\FilesToBeCopied*.* C:\DestinationFolder\