The bottleneck in VPN connection


I have a LAN behind a Linksys RV016 Router. It is connected to the internet with DSL line with asymetric parameters 2Mbit download / 512 kbit upload.

In this LAN I have MS SQL server, and i want to connect to it remotely via VPN. To do this I use my RV016 router's PPTP function. Connection works fine, but … little to slow.

And here is my question: what may be the bottleneck – is it only my DSL line's speed parameters ? Or may it be caused ALSO by router's hardware parameters (processor, RAM) ? In that case is it reasonalbe to set additional server VPN server inside the LAN, so that router only forwars communication on appropriate port and the rest is up to VPN server ?

Best Answer

With 2048/512 kbit/s, you are most likely restricted by bandwidth, not by your routers hardware.