The difference between IDRAC, IPMI and ILO


I sometimes hear my colleagues talking about IDRAC, IPMI and ILO, when restarting a server. It seems that those terms are often misused.

For instance, is there a difference between saying that you connect to IPMI and IDRAC?

If I well-understand, IDRAC and LILO are ipmi-based tools respectively implemented by Dell and HP, bringing new functionalities?

Best Answer

These are all forms of out-of-band management. IPMI is a standard. DRAC is a proprietary offering from Dell. ILO is the HP ProLiant variant. ILOM for Sun/Oracle. In some cases, you may hear the terms used interchangeably.

The proprietary lights-out management solutions provide more integration with the hardware and often time have nicer features (monitoring, logging, access) than a generic IPMI implementation.