The difference between SAN Hard Drives and Normal Hard Drives

hard drivehardwarenetworkingstorage-area-network

At work, we have decided to finally virtualize and have decided to upgrade out SAN setup with higher capacity Hard Drives. However, what exactly is the difference between Hard Drives that come packaged with a SAN set up, or going to New Egg and picking up a bunch of 1 TB hard drives?

I ask because the quote we received for a new SAN set up with 12 TB (6 TB usable) capacity was $15,000 which seems INSANELY high, especially since I could go to New Egg and pick up 12 TB hard drives for ~$1,500.

Best Answer

Well there may be obvious differences, such as interface type, rotational speed, etc.

Beyond that, even when two disks have identical entries for the above spec, the drives that come in a SAN will probably be certified/warranted for 24hr continuous operation, and may also include custom firmware from the SAN manufacturer.

As for the price difference - if you're buying a decent (or even semi-decent SAN) you are buying a lot more than a bunch of hard disks - the drives may only be a relatively small part of the cost.