The Difference between T1 and T2 Hypervisors


What is the difference between t1 and t2 hypervisors?

The Wikipedia article explains it, but I am not quite getting it. Apparently both require some sort of host system to run in. Does anybody know of a good explanation of the differences?

Best Answer

Others have explained the differences between the 2 types pretty well. One thing to note is that while it seems like Hyper-V is being installed inside Server 2008, what is actually happening is Hyper-V is being installed at the root partition, and the "host" Server 2008 you're installing on becomes a virtual machine itself. The reason it can see the other VMs is because of the Hyper-V management service, which connects to Hyper-V which it is running on.

Here is the Hyper-V architecture. A few items to note in the diagram within the root partition that have access to the hypervisor allowing the root partition to report disk and memory usage:

VID – Virtualization Infrastructure Driver – Provides partition management services, virtual processor management services, and memory management services for partitions.

VMWP – Virtual Machine Worker Process – A user mode component of the virtualization stack. The worker process provides virtual machine management services from the Windows Server 2008 instance in the parent partition to the guest operating systems in the child partitions. The Virtual Machine Management Service spawns a separate worker process for each running virtual machine.

WinHv – Windows Hypervisor Interface Library - WinHv is essentially a bridge between a partitioned operating system’s drivers and the hypervisor which allows drivers to call the hypervisor using standard Windows calling conventions

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