The difference between zones in the same region in Google Compute Engine


What kind of differences are there between different zones in the same region in Google Compute Engine?

For example, in Eastern Asia-Pacific, you can access to a set of different zones in Taipei Taoyuan. However, it shows the following:

  • asia-east1-a
  • asia-east1-b
  • asia-east1-c

What do these three zones do differently and how can you decide which zone to use on your project?

Best Answer

Zones are an isolated location within a region (data-center). They are designed and setup to be independent of the other zones within a region so in the rare case that one zone goes down then the other zones should still function. The idea behind it is that you should spread your instances across the zones and create high-availability applications.

So in your case it doesn't matter in which zone you deploy your instance and you can use multiple zones/regions within one project

More info can be found here:

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