The file specified is not a virtual disk – Error on vmx and on all snapshots


I've been struggling for two days with this error now and read and executed countless solutions – but none seem to work.
I hope I find help here.

Without any warning or error my Vmaschine crashed.
When I try to open it I get the "The file specified is not a virtual disk" – Error.

I can't revert to any snapshots (Daily Snapshots are made).

Solutions I've already tried:

  • Checking the vmx if it maps to the wrong vmdk – nope, everything seems to be fine.
  • Removing the *.LCK folders
  • Making a new VM from a vmdk (Error: "Parent of this virtual disk could not be opened")

Is there anything else I could do?
And is there anything I can provide that could help you guys and girls helping me?

Greetings and thank you for your input.

Best Answer

So, in my case the only way to solve this was to go through every linked .vmdk and check if the parent one is still functioning.

I found one that was still ok from about a month ago.

There was a lot of damaged data, so I think this is a special case and should not be considered as a normal procedure.

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