The life expectancy of a server grade fan


The title is telling, I guess. In particular, I am wondering how risky is it not to change the fan of a 4 years old Supermicro server?

Best Answer

This is an anecdote, not evidence. I've had (SuperMicro) server fans in service for 7+ years of continuous spinning without a problem.

I've also had one utterly catastrophic failure of one after five years. It became discolored and ultimately one of the blades shattered. We believe that it was the root cause of a multiple-drive failure in that machine. I keep it on my desk as a reminder to always make sure that hardware monitoring is set up, active, and properly configured to send alerts.

You can ask the server itself for information on how fast the fans are spinning. This information is available from the on-board sensors. Under Linux, look into lm_sensors. If your servers have IPMI, you should be able to get that information out of any IPMI tool as well. A fan that is acting up or that has failed will unexpectedly have a low or zero RPM.

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