The maximum number of bindings on an IIS website


How many bindings will IIS 7.5 support on one web site ?

To make sure my question is understand correctly.

  • I know i can put multiple website on the same server.
  • I know i can put multiple website on the same IP
  • I know i can put multiple binding on the same website

My questions is, it's there a limit of binding on the same web site.

Supose i get something like


On the same web site binding ….

Best Answer

If you are using kernel-mode authentication, the limit is 64 bindings (Confirmed with Microsoft). I have tested it. It fails (401.2 error) if I add 65 or more bindings.

I am not aware of any limitation if you use user-mode authentication.

More information: IIS binding limit (401.2 Windows Authentication error)