The significance of “Percent MFT in use”


Reading through a Disk Defragmenter analysis report I noticed that my NTFS Master File Table was 6.87GB in size, but only 4% of it was reported as in use.

Is this something that could cause NTFS performance issues? Is there anything that can be done about it?

Best Answer

NTFS reserves 12.5% of the volume (it sounds like this is roughly a 54GB volume) for the MFT when the volume is formatted (unless you override this behaviour). This prevents MFT fragmentation. At 4% usage of your MFT, it sounds like you're not in any danger of causing NTFS to allocate additional space for the MFT.

If the space allocated for the MFT is used up, NTFS will allocate additional space for the MFT. The "Disk Defragmenter" functionality in Windows XP and Windws Server 2003 (presumably also in newer versions of Windows) can defragment the MFT, so the spectre of MFT fragmentation that was a bigger deal in the NT 4.0 time-frame isn't such a big deal today.

Basically, you've got nothing to worry about.

See for background from Microsoft.