The UAC File Virtualization service failed to start due to the following error: This driver has been blocked from loading


I'm trying to run IBM Domino Server 9.0.1 FP4 on clean Windows Server 2012 R2.

Once I run server as a service it stop after few seconds. I've managed only to find this message.

The UAC File Virtualization service failed to start due to the
following error: This driver has been blocked from loading

What kind of information can I provide in order to help in solving this issue?

I've found only one relevant topic: UAC File Virtualization service failed to start.
However since my skills as a windows administrator are low I would prefer to know if that is correct solution there etc.

There are 3 files are created in D:\Domino\data\IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT when I run Domino as a service:


All have only 1 line, example:



Best Answer

We enabled UAC (which is per default disabled on Rackspace) and reinstalled Domino and it seems to be working now.

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