The User Profile Service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded


The installation is a Windows 2008 R2 server with an Exchange 2010. I am trying to install BESX on it, for which a user account is needed to login on the domain controller and run the installer. I keep getting:

The User Profile Service failed the logon. User profile cannot be

Everytime I try to login, even after I add the "BESAdmin" account to either Administrators, Domain Controllers or both. I've even changed the Allow Local Login policy to even specifically include the account.

Another poster who had a similar problem with the same error message stated that this happens with new accounts (like in my case) or accounts that have no v2 profiles (?) yet. He self-answered that one should copy c:\users\default from another installation. I do not have that option, so I am really hoping for some other solution.

Best Answer

Had the same problem. See The solution listed on Microsoft Technet was to check that all privileges on files and folders in c:\users\default were correct. In my case I learned from the eventvwr that one obscure Visual Studio file had no privilege for read to Domain Users.