Thoughts on Free Splunk


I am considering implementing Splunk at my company but am leery about the financial investment. I noticed there is a free version of Splunk that seem to be good enough.

Can anyone tell me if you are using the free version at your company? Do you find the free version to be adequate, or just a springboard for the eventual purchase?

Best Answer

We use free Splunk together with OSSEC on several customers and it's perfectly usable. Of course, it has some limitations compared to the non-free version:

  • 500MB limit per day (with two or three peaks allowed per month): If you don't generate that much data, this won't affect you
  • Authentication: free Splunk does not have it. We use apache and http_auth to overcome this limitation. It's not a perfect solution but good enough. If you will be the only user, you can run it on localhost.
  • Different users: free Splunk only has one user. So you don't get personalized dashboards and customization. Again, if you are all looking for the same and don't care about sharing or you are the only one, there should be no problem.

Overall, free Splunk (particularly version 4) is a product per se and can be used in production without worries, unless you happen to need the added features of the non-free version.

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