Thousands of .log files in Exchange 2007 Server folder


I'm a bit of an Exchange admin noob so I don't know if this is normal, but on our Exchange 2007 server under C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Mailbox\First Storage Group\ there are 30,000 1MB .log files. I don't know if those should be there or not, but they keep multiplying like little jackrabbits. I've so far resisted deleting them as I'm sure something would break, but it's come to the point now where our 80GB disk is completely full up and Exchange has stopped receiving messages.

My best guess is that these are transaction logs and would be useful in rebuilding the database should something go awry, but 30GB of transaction logging seems a bit excessive. Is there a way to limit it or is that even a good idea?

And of course did I completely miss the point?

Best Answer

Those logs are transaction files. Do not delete them.

I'm curious here, did you install this Exchange server on your own? Placing the storage group on the same disk volume as your OS, swap file etc is absolutely not the recommended configuration for Exchange server.

You should ASAP add more storage to your server, and place the Exchange storage on it.

Please read the following article: Exchange log disk is full, Prevention and Remedies

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