Time zone not recognized on Windows Server 2008 R2


I am working on a Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit virtual server hosted at GoDaddy.

Whenever I change the time zone to Amman (UTC +2:00), and wait around 1 minute, a message appears in the clock fly-away indicating that the timezone is not recognized. And the time gets reset to its original value before changing the time zone.

Message: Your current time zone is not recognized. Please select a valid time zone using the link below.

Screen shot: http://i53.tinypic.com/10n7zh5.jpg

I tried restarting the machine after changing the time zone but the message did not go away.

I tried other time zones (e.g. Pacific Time UTC-8:00) and the same thing happens.

Any suggestions?

Best Answer

I have found a the answer from godaddy's support forum here: http://community.godaddy.com/groups/go-daddy-customers/forum/topic/in-my-vps-windows-in-godaddy-i-cant-change-timezone/

All the VPSs automatically synchronize their time with the parent server. Changing the timezone is not allowed on the VPS level.