“Timeout expired” with application consuming web service on another machine

asp.netiis-6timeoutweb servicesweb-applications

I am having issue with an ASP.NET web application hosted one server trying to consume an web service hosted on another server. When I browse to a page consuming the web service, I get the following error:

Server was unable to process request.
—> Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of
the operation or the server is not

Here is the IIS log entry when the the web application tries to consume the web service. (i removed all of the server specific information)

2010-12-08 21:19:57 POST
/WebServices/MyWebService.asmx – 80 –
– – 500 0 0 765 675 15015

When we move the web service to the same server as the web application, even if the web service is hosted under a different domain, it will work as expected. I am also able to browse to the web service on the other server using Internet Explorer without an issue.

Both the web application and web service is using the .NET 3.5 framework and is hosted in IIS 6.0 on a Windows Server 2003 SP2.

If anyone has experienced this issue, how were you able to resolve it.

Best Answer

It's likely a configuration issue. You might get lucky and find a .config file in the same directory as the web service which could have a connection string that may well be pointed at localhost.

If you do find a .config file, look for the <connectionStrings> node.