Tomcat – (103) Software caused connection abort: proxy: pass request body failed


The following errors are being logged in our proxy Apache logs while processing the request with Tomcat Server:

(103)Software caused connection abort: proxy: pass request body failed  
proxy: pass request body failed  

We've a Apache reverse proxy which serves the request for the client from our Tomcat Server. Sometimes, the request from the proxy returns 502 with the above error.
There are no error logs in Tomcat Server Logs correlated with the above errors in Proxy. Also, the request didn't timeout since some of the requests response time is 1 sec and our default timeout is 120 sec.

We've added ProxyBadHeader Ignore to our httpd configuration [Ref: 502 Proxy Error / Uploading from Apache (mod_proxy) to Tomcat 7] and still didn't see any errors in our Tomcat logs.

Have anyone seen this issue earlier?

Best Answer

I came across this same error recently. Our solution was to add:

SSLProxyProtocol all -SSLv2 -SSLv3

This matches our SSLProtocol parameter in our ssl.conf file. We also had Tomcat setup to disable SSLv3 as well.