Tomcat 6 web app as root – deployed twice


I have a web app AAA.war, deployed in $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps. I want to access it as the root web app. I modified $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml to add this to the section.

<Context path="/" docBase="AAA" reloadable="true" />

I can access my app via localhost:8080/, it all works as expected.

But when starting up Tomcat, I see in catalina.out the app deployed twice, and initalised twice. It is accessible also via localhost:8080/AAA – this is not a major problem, but is it normal or does it indicate an underlying problem with my config ?

I am using Tomcat 6.0.26.

Best Answer

You should either place the application in webapps directory, or declare it in the server.xml entry.