Tomcat – am i adding mod_proxy on CentOS with tomcat/apache correctly


I am trying to map a java web application named "Cricket_rank_inspector" to the domain

I plan to add the following 2 records to the httpd.conf (under section of VHOST for

ProxyPass /cri ajp://
ProxyPassReverse /wri ajp://

Am I correct in assuming that the above will enable -> Java Web app.

What will be the exact URL of the web app as per my example? Also, do I need to configure something in Tomcat for assigning this specific domain ( to my web app? Because currently I am using IP address and Port also, when invoking this web application.

Any help and guidance would be appreciated.


Best Answer

use "ProxyPreserveHost" if you define Virtual Host on your tomcat server.xml,

ProxyPreserveHost On   
ProxyPass /cri ajp:// 
ProxyPassReverse /cri ajp://

if you are not define virtual host, your 2 lines config above should be enough