Tomcat – Apache HTTP Server+Tomcat: Which file generates mod_jk.conf, how to modify generated stuff, and how does httpd reach it


I'm using XAMPP with Apache HTTP Server and Tomcat Add-On installed.
There's a default mod_jk.conf which is generated by Tomcat when starting it.

  1. But which file generates this mod_jk.conf file?
  2. How can I modify default values? By default, it looks like this: pastebin – mod_jk.conf.
  3. How does Apache HTTP Server reach this file? I can't see any reference to this file when looking into httpd.conf.
  4. When I put a VirtualHost in my httpd.conf file, and I put the line JkMount /* ajp13 into it, Apache HTTP Server service can't start (causes a 7024 event id error in Event Viewer (with error code 1, but nothing specific), but puts no error messages into error.log. The VirtualHost looks like this: pastebin – VirtualHost + JkMount. This way Apache HTTP Server can not start. If I comment out the line JkMount /* ajp13, it starts without a problem.
  5. BUT if I put the following line, which is the same as in mod_jk.conf, before the mentioned VirtualHost again, the service can start!

    <IfModule !mod_jk.c>
        LoadModule jk_module "C:/xampp/tomcat/xampp/apache/modules/"

Why do I have to put this line in again?

Why does that happen, that the http://localhost/example does work, so this query is redirected to AJP13, but I have to put the LoadModule line in again in another file?

EDIT: I don't have a clue why, I surely modified something, but now /example doesn't work either… And the config above gives a 500 Internal Server Error.

Best Answer

  1. If not present. It's generated by mod_jk (tomcat module for apache - called also jakarta via Apache which runs Tomcat )
  2. Using text editor
  3. Apache calls module mod_jk which is the tomcat itself
  4. Configure workers in Tomcat configuration file called
  5. as in point # 4