Tomcat – Apache Tomcat mod_jk redirection issue


I am using mod_jk for my web application and apache is configured to serve every content via Tomcat other than the static css, images and js.

I want the URL without www ( to redirect to with www subdomains (

I tried escaping .htaccess via mod_jk unmount statement but .htaccess doesn't seem to work in this case.

I think the basic issue is that apache is not responding to any .htaccess rule. If I can Apache make respond to .htacess the problem should be in control.

Any idea how this can be done?

Here is my .conf for the domain

JkMount /* worker1

JkUnMount /css/* worker1

JkUnMount /images/* worker1

JkUnMount /js/* worker1

JkUnMount /.htaccess worker1

Best Answer

If I understand your issue correctly, you want to turn "" into "" via a redirect. Apache httpd ought to do this for you if you use this configuration option:

UseCanonicalName On

Note that this is the default.

I have this configuration on my server and if I hit (obviously an example: don't consider the previous a live link), I get a 301 (Moved Permanently) response sending me to