Tomcat – How to Change Port to 80 with Apache


I have a VPS that had Apache. Later Tomcat was installed with the cPanel EasyApache thing. JSPs will work as or However, JForum uses web.XML to map some servlets to URLs. Without the port 8080 in the URL, I get file not found. Is there any way to get the servlets to map on port 80 like the JSPs without killing Apache?

Best Answer

You can use mod_proxy for passing the data over to tomcat.

you could use something in the lines of:

ProxyPass /myservlet http://localhost:8080/myservlet
ProxyPassReverse /myservlet http://localhost:8080/myservlet

That will proxy the data to the tomcat instance and rewrite replies so that they match the given path. I would recommend using something like nginx for plain proxying, but if you already need apache for something, it can be done with it too.

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