Tomcat – Forward Shibboleth Environment Variables to Tomcat via Apache


I am using Shibbolethv2.3 with Apache web server and Tomcat application server. I am using Apache as a reverse proxy using I am not able to forward the Shibboleth environment variables from Apache to Tomcat. I am able to forward the attributes in the headers but as already mentioned in the wiki this approach is not safe.
I have tried forwarding the environment variables by the following directive :

SetEnv AJP_username ${username}

then at the Java side I can access the attribute by : request.getAttribute("username");
The strange thing here is that, I get a different value instead of the one set by Shibboleth. I get the Windows account name as a result. If I use any other attribute name, I get a null value.

I have searched a lot and have run out of options. Please guide me towards the right solution.

My setup details :

  1. Shibboleth version : 2.3
  2. OS : Windows XP SP3
  3. Webserver : Apache 2.2
  4. Application Server : Tomcat 6
  5. Proxy module :

Best Answer

Make sure you are proxying through using ajp in the httpd.conf

ProxyPass /example ajp://

And in the shibboleth2.xml in the ApplicationDefaults section we need to add


So it looks something like

<ApplicationDefaults id="default" policyId="default"
    REMOTE_USER="eppn persistent-id targeted-id"
    signing="false" encryption="false" attributePrefix="AJP_">

Check out this question on the shib mailing list:

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