Tomcat – How to configure tomcat to use both http and https in the same application


I understand that URL patterns can be used to have some handled under HTTP and others under HTTPS.

Let's imagine a web application with two servlets, each accessed with different URL patters (for example …/myapp/servlet1 and …/myapp/servlet2), how can I have to first one handled by HTTP and the second with HTTPS?

Can you provide a configuration example?


Best Answer

The main idea here is that you want to specify which pages are using SSL

Using SSL in Tomcat requires 3 main step:

  1. You first need to create a SSL certificate. For instance you can use the tool provided with the JDK: keytool. For instance: keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore keystore.ssl. You will be asked for a password, and once you filled all information needed, press RETURN to use the same password. Move the file created under CATALINA_HOME.
  2. You then need to enable the SSL connector in tomcat. To do so, in conf/server.xml, for instance: (SECTION 1)
  3. You need to specify in your application which URL require the usage of SSL. As an example, let's take the manager application. In WEB-INF/web.xml just before </security-constraint>, add the following: Same link as above but see SECTION 2.

I know this is very brief but that should give you a lead of what to do :)

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