Tomcat – How to enable mod_info in Apache


I gone through the apache guide to enable to mod_info.

As per doc:

  • To configure mod_info, add the following to your httpd.conf file.

Location /server-info SetHandler server-info

  • You may wish to use mod_access inside the directive to limit access to your server configuration information:

    Location /server-info
    SetHandler server-info Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from

  • Once configured, the server information is obtained by accessing

In my case the this link is not giving any info. Http 404 NOT FOUND error

  • Is there anything I need to install as mod_info.c or something ? Is there anything i need to put as AddModule or something ?

  • Without virtual host I got below error : File does not exist: /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/server-info [Tue Dec 11 03:39:53 2012] [error] [client] File does not exist: /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/favicon.ico

  • In Error log : File does not exist: /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/example1/server-info I have 3 virtual host. One of this as default which use example1 as Docroot dir. I am not sure where this page (server-info) should be ? in case of server-status, it's working fine

Best Answer

I guess simply using a2enmod info will work in your case.

NOTE: a2enmod is only available on Debian variants (i.e. Ubuntu, etc.). You can read more about a2enmod here.

a2enmod and it's sister command a2dismod can be used to enable or disable apache2 modules.


% a2enmod imagemap
% a2dismod mime_magic
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