Tomcat – How to remove the port number from Tomcat urls


I have Groovy on Grails app deployed on Tomcat/Apache (CentOS). Currently, it is accessed via a URL like I would like to access it via

How do I go about this?

Best Answer

I assume that you are trying to move to without the trailing AppName. In that case, you may want to consider running a reverse proxy in front of Tomcat. Merely switching the port from port 8080 to 80 would still require you to access your app via

Apache can be configured to do this. You will just need to set up mod_proxy with the following config:

ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/AppName/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/AppName/

You can also do this with other web-servers such as lighttpd or nginx and what nots, basically most reverse proxies can do it in one form or another.

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