Tomcat – How to stop the Tomcat 6.0 server


How to stop the Tomcat 6.0 server ?

Under bin direcctory it has got only 4 files namely

bootstrap, tomcat6 , tomcat6w , tomcat-juli

Under TaskManager also , Windows Processes also , there is nothing related to tomcat

How can we stop the server instance now (I need to stop it as i modified some web.xml file )

Best Answer

Depends on how you started it.

If you started it by startup.bat, just use shutdown.bat which reside in the very same folder.

If it's started as Windows service (why have you by the way installed it as a Windows service if your intent is apparently to develop with it, not to run in production?), then you should restart the Windows service by service manager (start > run > services.msc).

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